Book of Leaves

In my research into the Japanese traditions of Haiku and Haiga, that have formed a basis for many of my own works, I found out about the book: Man’yoshu. ‘Collection of ten thousand leaves’, it’s a very early compilation of Japanese poems. An unique work of its time. It was the poetic resonance of the title that first struck me, I pictured (maybe too obviously) a tree in autumn. The title of the book can also be interpreted as a ‘collection of ten thousand words’ or a ‘collection of ten thousand ages’ but the leaves have captivated my imagination and so my new idea was forged. I’m not sure I’ll be as ambitious to put a figure of ‘ten thousand’ in my title!!

What’s the idea?
I want to collect leaves and stories and compile them into a book. A collection of singular beautiful moments that form a whole. I need your help. I want this collection to be a collaboration. I want you to seek and find the beauty. The words can be as descriptive or succinct as you feel needed to accompany the leaf. But please tell me: where did you find it? What was happening in that moment. Please do tell, do share. I will take my time and draw what is sent to me and try to make something of these memories. I will credit the sender. Let’s make something wonderful together!!
If you would like to participate, please send you leaves along with your words to:
Jessica Bartlett
Studio G8
BV Studios,
37 Philip Street,